


Reasons for decline in birth rate-

1. Changes in womens positions

2. Decline in infant mortality rate

3. children have become an economic liability

4. child centeredness

Effects of changes in fertility

The family- smaller families mean that women are more likely to be free to go out to work.

The dependancy ratio

Public services and policies


Reasons for decline in death rate-

1. Improved nutrition- mckeown- imporved nutition accounted for up to half the reduction in death rates

2. Medical improvements

3. public health measures and environmental improvement

Life expectancy- how long on average a person born in a given year is expected to live.

Ageing population- The average age of the UK is rising, In 2007 it was 39 and is expected to rise to 42 by 2031.

Effects of an ageing population- 

Public services- 

older people consume a large proportion of services such as health and social care

One person households- 

the numbers of pensioners living alone has increased, they now account for about 14% of all households.

The dependency ratio-

 The non workig old are an economically dependant group who need to be provided for…


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