Definitions of abnormality part 2

  • Created by: Bolt 775
  • Created on: 23-12-18 19:56

Deviation from the ideal mental health-When an individual fails to meet the criteria for perfect psychological wellbeing

Marie Jahoda (1958) described 6 characteristics that individuals should exhibit in order to be normal-An absence of any of these indicates individuals as being abnormal

The 6 characteristics of ideal mental health:

1.Positive attitude towards oneself-Having self-respect and a positive self-concept

2.Self-actualisation-A state in which people are motivated to achieve their full potential,experiencing personal growth and development 

3.Autonomy-Being independent,self-reliant and able to make personal decisions 

4.Resisting stress-Having effective coping strategies and being able to cope with everyday anxiety-provoking situations 

5.Accurate perception of reality-Perceiving the world in a non-distorted fashion,having an objective and realistic view of the world

6.Environmental mastery-Being compentent in all aspects of life and able to meet the demands of any situation,having the flexibility to adapt to changing life circumstances 

*The more characteristics an individual fails to meet the more abnormal they are

*This definition focuses on behaviours/charcteristics seen as desirable rather than what is undesirable 

Strengths of the definition:

-Targets areas of dysfunction

The definition allows targeting of which areas to work on when treating abnormality.This could be important when treating different types of disorders,such as focusing upon specific problem areas a person with depression has.


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