Daycare-social development


Positive impact on social development

Social development refers to the growth of the child's ability to form realtionships with others and to acquire a level of independence.

Borge at al


  • Using 3431 2-3 year olds they compared home reared children with day care children
  • Socio-economic status of families, number of siblings and mothers education were recorded
  • Mothers were given a questionnaire to complete related to aggressive behaviour displayed by their child


Aggression was significantly higher in home reared children, therefore quality of daycare may be a significant factor.

  • Childcare not only helps with the interactions between children and peers and adults, but the children are more prepared and have a better understanding about the social world.
  • When a child was put in a new situation the child that attended daycare acted less timid/distressed and were able to entertain and soothe themselves 
  • Children are more likely to be self-confident, outgoing, assertive, verbally expressive and self sufficient
  • Children who attended daycare had increased independence and peer sociability from a study of 3000 3-7 year olds
  • They are able to play longer, share, respond better to their peers and have more friends

Negative impact on social development

Campbell, Hwang and Lang


  • Swedish children studied at intervals from 18months to 15 years
  • A baseline was established by early observation in the home and daycare facility
  • Children were cared for by a mixture of nursery and family-based care
  • Observations and interviews relating to social development were carried out
  • At 15 participants were asked to complete 2 questionnaires on…


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