

Quantitative data  

  • Data that is represented in number form or a unit that can be measured 
  • This data can be represented by charts, tables and percentages  
  • Positivists like this type of data  



Allows for a larger sample size – MORE ABLE TO REACH AN ACCURATE GENURALISATION  

Doesn’t consider the meaning behind social phenomena – doesn’t care about the motive behind actions. Cannot measure the ways of how people interpret their or others actions  

Collect information quickly – surveys, experiments and close interviews provide answers quickly  

Every answer must stand on its own – does not give option to review answers with participants  (few opportunities to clarify confusing answers)) 

Uses randomised samples  excludes bias from appearing  

Sometimes creates unnatural environments  just as the participant can skew the results by providing false answers, researchers can attempt the same result by influencing the design of the work in its initial stage 

Results duplication is possible  the work validates itself as it would point towards the same type of data, even if there are randomised conditions  

Some efforts at randomisation will not create useful results  doesn’t look for the reason why variables exist in specific environments.   

Focuses on facts or a series of information  useful when a series of data points are highly desired within a particular demographic   

There is no access to specific feedback  useful for generalisations, not so good for feedback incidents that allow for positive refinement  

Anonymous  there is no need for personal information if sociologist can prove that participants fit in the demographic. More likely to get honest perspective 

Can be very expensive  could be expensive when corporate interests


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