Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring


The Impact of Soviet rule on Czechoslovakia: 

  • Economy and living standards declined
  • Any opposition to communism was crushed
  • The Communist rule became very unpopular 

Alexander Dubček: 

  • January 1968, became the new leader of Czechoslovakia 
  • He was a good friend of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev 
  • He was a communist and supporter of the Warsaw Pact but wanted to make communism better and easier to live under. "Socialism with a human face."
  • His reforms resulted in the "Prague Spring"- a period of increased political freedom- in April 1968 and lots of criticism of communism resulted. 

Dubček's reforms: 

  • Relaxation of censorship=more freedom to say and write things, even if critical of communism. For…


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