Cromwells Domestic Policies

  • Chief minister by 1532.
  • Dissolution of the monastries began in 1536.
  • Financial reforms were needed to manage the revenue created by the break with Rome.
  • These included; 

- The Court of Augmentations - controlled all the land and finances that were previously owned by the Catholic Church.

- The Court of General Surveyors - Initially handled monastic lands but was absorbed by the Court of Augmentations later on.

- The Court of First Fruit and Tenths - collected money that used to be given to the Catholic Church.

- The Court of Wards - the King had the feudal right to collect money from the estate of anyone under the age of 21.

Reformation Parliament

  • Sat for 7 years. 
  • This brought stability.
  • Also led to the passing of a bill after 3 reading in the Commons and Lords becoming standard practice.
  • Cromwell needed statue law because of the redical changes him and Henry were introducing.
  • The parliament was diverse.
  • The Lords consisted…


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