Cosmological Argument


The Cosmological argument is an a posteriori, inductive and synthetic argument

  • A posteriori-an arguemnt based on already existing evidence
  • Inductive- given the circumstances the conclusion what is the most plausable
  • Synthetic-the truth can only be determined by experience

There are 5 parts to the cosmological argument but the first 3 are based on Aquinas' 2 assumptions:

1.The universe exists

2.There must be a reason why

The First Part-The Unmoved Mover (the arguement of motion)

  • Objects are in motion
  • Everything out in motion is was put in motion by something else
  • But there can't be an infinite regress of movers (a sequence of reasoning or justification which can never come to an end).
  • So there moust be a first mover and that unmoved mover is God

The Second Part-The Uncaused Causer (the arugment from causation)

  • We observe chains of cause and effect in the world
  • Anyhting caused has to be caused by something else
  • But there can't be an infinite regress of causes
  • So there must be a first causer and that is God

The Third Part-Contingency


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