Convert Buddhism


Convert Buddhism!!!

Some Buddhists regard themselves as converts, i.e. have actually renounced or rejected the religion they were born into, and taken up Buddhism. Others, however, do not feel this sense of rejecting anything.

Buddhism does not demand a commitment to it alone, to the exclusion of anything else, and there are many who happily harmonise more than one faith or way of life within themselves. For example, there are westerners of the Judaeo-Christian traditions who maintain their faith yet supplement it with the practice of Buddhist meditation. Leonard Cohen often called himself a Jewbuh as he was a Jewish person who practiced the spirituality of Buddhism. 

Part of the Triatna Community!

All about the Tiratna community 

The Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) was founded in London in 1967 by Sangharakshita, an Englishman who had spent many years as a Buddhist monk in India. He combined what he regarded as the ‘best’ elements of traditions he had studied – Theravada, Tibetan and Zen. Members of the FWBO do not class themselves as either monks or lay, rather they are all Buddhists at various stages of commitment and understanding.  The term now used to identify the FWBO is Triratna which means the 3 Jewels -


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