Context of Virgil's Aeneid

  • Created by: Judopixie
  • Created on: 24-10-17 21:20


The epic tells the story of Aeneas, a Trojan survior of the Trojan war. He has lost his wife and father, but his son survives. His mother is Venus and she protects him from Juno's wrath/guides him through the book. Aeneas is destined to found a city and his son, Ascainius/Iulus is set to continue it after his death. This city will eventually become Rome.

Outline of Roman history:

Originally Rome was a monarchy. The Prince of Rome ***** Lucretia and, in revenge, her husband and some allies shamed the monarchy and changed the political system.

They founded an aristocracy and ruled Rome themselves. The people grew tired of the aristocracy and found Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR).

In the SPQR system the people had two representatives called Tribunes of the People/Tribunes of the Plebs. They each had a veto which meant that they could prevent the senate from passing motions they disagreed with. The senators decided they needed to have two representatives, called Consuls, to lead in governing the country and wars. Too many people start gaining power and many civil wars break out. External attacks are also common. When Rome found itself under external attack the people…


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