Consequences of the NEP

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 20-04-18 20:00

Divisions within the Party

  • Trotsky opposed the NEP as he believed attacks on the peasants were necessary to bring about communism - he described it as 'the first sign of the degeneration of Bolshevism'. 
  • There were complaints about the wealth of the 'nepmen' (traders who brought grain to the towns to sell, then took goods from the town to the countryside to sell)
  • Bukharin moved from opposing the NEP to supporting it. He told the peasants to 'enrich yourselves under the NEP' as he believed that the peasants would spend their profits on manufactured goods, which would stimulate industry

Centralisation of the Party

  • In response to opposition within the Party, Lenin introduced the Ban on


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