Conformity Research

  • Created by: Bri.nyame
  • Created on: 23-11-17 23:28


  • Participants showed two white cards: One with the standard line and the other had three comparison lines
  • Participants asked to judge which comparison line matched the standard line
  • Particpant sample were 123 American male undergrads.
  • Each naive participant was placed in a group of 7-9 confederates. The naive partcipant DID NOT know the other partcipants were confederates
  • Confederates instructed to gve the same wrong answer.
  • Altogether the participants took place in 18 trails and 12 critical trails.


The results showed that the naive particiapant gave the wrong answer 36.8% of the time. Whereas 25% of the naive participants did not conform on any trails, meaning that 75% of them conformed at least once. When the participants were interviewed afterwards and asked why they conformed, the majority of them said it was to avoid looking stupid infront of the other partcipants (NSI).

Asch variations.

1. Group size



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