Conflict and Tension


Conflict and tension

Four questions:

·       How do you know source question (4 marks)?

·       How useful are source E and F (12 marks)?

·       Write an account (8 marks)

·       How far essay question (16 marks)

Focus 1- The treaty of Versailles

1.       The Paris peace conference

·       People suffered in the war losing homes and jobs.

·       After the war there were food shortages

·       People wanted Germany to pay for their problems

·       First 6 months were spent dealing with Germany

·       Conference lasted 2 years

2.       The aims of the big three – George Clemenceau (France)

·       Revenge- wanted to weaken Germany

·       Motivated by the serious damage to France

·       Make Germany pay

·       Wanted to make sure Germany would never be a threat again

3.       The aims of the big three- David Lloyd George (Britain)

·       Justice for the British public

·       Not to punish too harshly

·       Keep Britain as a world power

·       Maintain strong trade

·       Avoid another war

4.       The aims of the big three- Woodrow Wilson

·       Fair peace

·       His fourteen points

·       Disarmament

·       League of nations

·       Avoid another war

·       Self determination

5.       Terms of the treaty

·       Pay £6600 million

·       Accept the blame

·       Had overseas empire taken away

·       Military restrictions (no air force, no tanks, no submarines, army limited to 100,000 men and no conscription)

6.       How satisfied were the allies? - George Clemenceau (France)

·       Happy to get Alsace-Lorraine territory back

·       Happy with the fine- helped to rebuild France

·       Felt safer thanks to the military limits

·       Still unhappy that Germany was not destroyed and crippled financially.

7.       How satisfied were the allies? – David Lloyd George (Britain)

·       Happy with reduced navy as Britain remained a main sea power

·       British empire expanded as they were given some German colonies

·       Unhappy with the huge fine as it hurt trade with Germany

8.       How satisfied were the allies? – Woodrow Wilson (USA)

·       Happy with the creation of the league of nations

·       Not happy with the harshness of the treaty as he feared future revenge

·       Didn’t like that Britain and France strengthened their empires as he believed in self determination

9.       German reaction

·       Created the word ‘diktat’ which means dictated peace

·       Felt weak and worried about their ability to defend themselves

·       Complained about a double standard as there were the only nation forced to disarm.

·       Feared the high payments would cripple them

·       Couldn’t recover and suffered hyperinflation in the 1920’s

·       Lost an important area of defence (land on the border with France)

10.   Was…


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