Condensation And Evaporation

  • Created by: Samb0y
  • Created on: 13-05-14 22:41

As we know, heat can be transferred in many ways such as:
Radiation (often referred to infrared radiation)
Conduction (the rapid movement of particles causing them to bang into each other and transfer energy over to neighbouring particles. The movement generates heat, thus transferring heat throughout the object over time).
Convection (the movement of particles from the hotter region to the cooler region which pushes the cooler region particles towards the hotter region which then heats them up etc.)

But there are also two other ways of transferring heat which is by changing the state of a liquid or gas. A gas into liquid is called condensation (the first way to transfer heat) and a liquid into gas is called evaporation (the second way the transfer heat).

Condensation is probably the hardest of the five ways that transfer heat to understand but here goes nothing (we will use a step by step to make it more clear).
1) When a gas cools down, the kinetic energy of the particles lessens (the particles movement slows down).
2) As the particles slow down, their attractive forces become stronger which makes them want to draw together and clump. If the particles are clumping together this means that condensation can take place.
3) Condensation needs two factors to work, they are: A gas, and a surface colder than the gas.
4) When the particles of the gas (which are now in clumps) hit the cooler surface they condense due to the rapid heat deceleration cause by the surface. Condensation causes…


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