
  • Created by: breeboone
  • Created on: 16-07-19 16:47

Communication is the activity of transmitting information using the interchange of thoughts, ideas and messages by means of speech, writing, visuals, behavior, or signals. The study of communication is vital for solving problems in professional life and improving relationships in personal life. Rhetorical studies played an important role in communication development. It is true that without rhetorical studies and report essay about them communication would not exist nowadays.

Rhetoric emerged in 5th century B.C. It is the study and practice of communication that informs, inspires, entertains or encourages the target audience. It is generally a tactical use of communication to fulfill aims with the target audience. It can be utilized for both ethical and unethical purposes. The first philosophers of rhetoric, Plato and Socrates, were criticizing its narrowness and superficiality. Moreover, some critics considered rhetoric as a danger to moral values, truth and justice since they were confident that it could easily manipulate people’s mind and behavior. On the contrary, the supporters of rhetoric were positive about the fact that it is the most remarkable art humans could ever acquire. Even today, there are some controversial points about rhetoric, for instance, cases with presidential elections. Many politicians use rhetoric techniques to make people believe in their words; however, after the elections they forget to keep their promises.

According to Aristotle, there were three genres of rhetoric: judicial, deliberative and epideictic. Judicial rhetoric concerns law courts, legal prosecution and defense. Deliberative rhetoric takes place where the audience is asked to adjudicate an act in the future. Finally, epideictic rhetoric is an approval or deprecation of a person or institution.

Apart from genres of rhetoric, there also existed a rhetorical triangle. Logos, ethos and pathos were the three vital components used in every means of communication. With the help of these three parts, people were able to create texts that appealed to readers. Indeed, as far as Aristotle was concerned, the ability of a speaker to convince the audience was dependent on logos, ethos and pathos. Moreover, he believed that by observing a world around, people can realize how communication is happening and


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