Cognitive Interview

  • Created by: AGurung2
  • Created on: 23-11-20 15:01


-The cognitive interview (CI) was introduced by Geiselman and Fisher. It was introduced to increase recall.

-4 techniques used in the CI:

  • Report everything -> say everything you can rmeber about the event; cues maybe used to help recall.
  • Reinstate the context -> think back to the event and imagine yourself being there again -> linked to context-dependent forgetting.
  • Change in perspective -> imagine yourself in another person's view of things - imagine what they would think -> reduces bias
  • Change the order of events -> used to prevent schemas and false information being reported.

-A01 study: Geiselman et al 

Geiselman et al conducted a lab study, using 240 participants:

  • 120 participants -> standard interview
  • 120 participants -> CI techniques

The participants watched a robbery video 

Findings: those interviewed using the CI techniques recalled 35% more accurately.

Enhanced cognitive interview

The Enhanced Cognitive Interview enhanced the techniques used in the CI to further improve recall. Includes:

  • Reducing distractions -> distractions can cause interference.
  • Calm the witness down -> to help them think rationally.


-Applications to real life

The cognitive interview is widely used today, especially for police investigations to solve crimes. Study done to investigate effectiveness of CI in real life:

Geiselman et al -> used 16 detective interviews with real witnesses of a robbery. 

  • 7 out of


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