Coastal Landforms Caused by Erosion

  • Created by: Taya
  • Created on: 05-07-18 18:18

Erosion by waves forms many coastal landforms over long periods of time

Waves Erode Cliffs to Form Wave-cut Platforms

1) Waves cause most erosion at the foot of a cliff

2) This forms a wave cut-notch, which is enlarged as erosion continues

3) The rock above the notch becomes unstable and eventually collapses

4) The collapsed material is washed away and a new wave-cut notch starts to form

5) Repeated collapsing results in the cliff retreating6) A wave-cut platform is the platform that's left behind as the cliff retreats

Headlands and Bays Form Where Erosion Resistance is Different

1) Soft rocks or rocks with lots of joints have


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