Climate change

  • Created by: JOSA
  • Created on: 03-06-19 18:46


Sea level rise: Melting ice sheets at the poles are causing sea levels to rise. They have risen by up to 25cm over the last 100 years. It is expected that they will rise by 1m by 2100. Flooding will occur across low-lying coastal regions e.g. Bangladesh.

Drought: Some regions (e.g. Sub-Saharan Africa) will become hotter and receive less rainfall, this results in drought. Since 1900, the earth has become 1°C warmer because of climate change. Some areas will lose some of their crops and animals.

Famine: Frequent periods of drought from less rainfall and hotter temperatures could make it harder to grow crops which could lead to famine (people being without food). Poorer areas of the world will be affected the worst, e.g. parts of Africa


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