Classical Conditioning

  • Created by: Jgermaney
  • Created on: 23-01-15 19:52

Classical Conditioning

What is Classical Conditioning?

Description: Classical conditioning looks at how refl;exes come to be triggered by associations with new stimuli.

Who developed Classical Conditionong?

Answer: Pavlov in the early 20th century


A: Describe UCS or Unconditioned Stimulus:

The STIMULUS which automatically triggers a specific reflex e.g. food > salivation.

B: Describe UCR of unconditioned response:

The automatic RESPONSE to the unconditioned STIMULUS (UCS) e.g. food > salivation.

C: Describe NS or nuetral stimulus:

A STIMULUS which wouldnt normally trigger a specific REFLEX response e.g. Bell doesn't normally trigger salivation.

D: Describe cs or conditioned stimulus:

The NS or nuetral stimulus now triggers the reflex response e.g. bell > salivation.

E: NS nuetral stimulus + CS conditioned stimulus + ?

CONDITIONED RESPONSE.  CR this is the learned response i.e. reflex behaviour is now triggers by CS e.g. salivation in response to the bell.

F: Describe what the term EXTINCTION means and give and example ...

EXTINCTION - If a conditioned stimulus is present om severaltrails without the UCS also being present tyhe association between the two weakens and eventually the CR will be unpresent


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