Class Differences in Achievement- External Factors

  • Created by: hsheek1
  • Created on: 09-04-18 00:13

Class Differences in Achievement- External Factors

3 Factors that affect Education: Cultural Deprivation, Material Deprivation and Cultural Capital. 

Cultural Deprivation (CD)- Basic values, attitudes and skills that are required for educational success through primary socialisation of the family. Working- class children aren't properly socialised, which prevents them from reaching educational success. Three features of CD: parent's education, language and working-class subculture.

  • Language- Hubbs-Tait et al- language that allows the child to evaluate and challenge their own understanding results in their cognitive performance improving. Feinstein adds that educated parents are more likely to use this.
  • Speech codes- Bernstein- distinguishes between working-class and middle-class language. Two types of speech codes: restricted code (working-class)- simple language, context- bound (parent thinks that child shares the same experiences and therefore doesn't feel the need to explain it to them) + elaborated code (middle-class)- sophsticated language/sentences, context-free (parent knows that child doesn't share same experiences with child so feels the need to explain it/spell it out). Used in textbooks and exams.
  • Parent's education- Douglas- working-class parents place less value on their child's education. Feinstein- parent's education is the most important factor for child's achievement. 
  • Parenting style- middle- class= high expectations and consistent discipline, working-class= inconsistent + harsh discipline (emphasis on 'doing as you're told) 
  • Parents' educational behaviours- educated parents know what to do to help with child's educational progress. 
  • Use of income- Bernstein and Young- middle-class mothers can afford to buy their children educational


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