
  • Created by: Jo Wells
  • Created on: 30-12-12 12:35


 Cell            two 't' shapes head to head, one with a thicker top (          Battery                 three t-shapes, the one on left flipped to the right, the two on the right flipped 90 degrees to the left. the two on the right side have a thicker "top". ( 

Fuse           a rectangle lying flat with one horizontal line running through the centre of it and out of both sides (          LED                      Circuit symbol for LED ( 

Lamp          a circle with an 'x' inside, attached to a horizontal line either side (          Resistor                a rectangle lying flat with two horizontal lines coming out of its sides (

Voltmeter    a circle with a 'V' in the centre. two horizontal lines come out from either side of the circle. (         LDR                       a rectangle lying flat with two horizontal lines running out of either side. a circle runs around the rectangle, and two arrows point downwards at the rectangle, from the top left. (

Ammeter     a circle with an 'A' in the centre with two horizontal lines coming out of the sides of the circle (         Variable resistor     a rectangle lying flat with an arrow running through it at a 45 degree angle. two horizontal lines run out of the sides of the rectangle (

Diode          Circuit symbol for diode (         Closed Switch        two horizontal lines with a join in the centre (

Thermistor   a rectangle lying flat with two horizontal lines running out either side of it. A 45 degree line runs through the rectangle which bends at the bottom to run parallel with the base of the rectangle (         Open Switch          two horizontal lines with a gap where one line is at 45 degrees  (




  • Measures current flowing through component
  • MUST be placed


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