Church, Youth and Women in Nazi Germany

  • Created by: MC
  • Created on: 03-04-17 21:44

Church, Youth and Women in Nazi Germany


Church in Nazi Germany

·        Catholics – south, Catholic Centre party (Zentrum) 

·        Protestants – North, Lutherans   

The Churches

1)   Why did they matter?

They mattered because German people went to them. It was one of the fundamental part of life in Germany.

2)  What were Hitler’s real views about Christianity?

Hitler’s views in public were he supported German Christian values and opposed a theistic communism. Hitler’s views in Private was he was an atheist. Jesus was Jewish and Hitler didn’t believe a Jew could be a saviour of the world. Hitler disliked “loving one’s neighbour” and disliked compassion. Over time, after 1933 these factors became more public.

3)  What deals did…


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