
Outline three Christian beliefs about Justice

1)Christians believe God is just and requires his people to act justly too

2)God,is the ultimate judge who will judge all people fairly

3)Gods justice,made clear through Jesus is about forgiveness and mercy,with the aim of restoring relationships.

Explain 2 Christian responses to why Justice is important to victims

Justice is important for victims of the crime because they can be reassured that the person who has hurt them will be punished fairly for what they have done.

Also they may fill comfort that the person who has hurt them will not be able to hurt anyone else in the same way.

Outline three possible causes of crime

)The people who commit the crime could be very poor and have to steal to live.

2)A drug adict may steal to get more drugs

3) Due to upbringing the criminal may have the wrong idea on whats right and wrong

Explain 2 Christian teachings about crime 

Christians believe it is wrong to commit crimes and that there are serious consquences for crimes that go unpunished. Christians therefore support the aims of the christian criminal justice system.

Also,Christianity teaches that revenge is not the right response to crime. There are many stories in the bible which emphahise the importance of love and understanding for whsere crime is involved, In John 8-1-11 a lady had been caught in the act of adultery she was to recieve the death penalty however Jesus said 'Let any one of you who is without sin be first to throw a stone at her." Here he is emphhat all of them have commited sin and that they are being hypacrites to brutally punish her.

Explain 2 non-religous arguements to why people suffer

Firstly People may suffer because of their own greed and folishness for example if youcheated on a test got found out and got a 0 . You caused that on yourself as you did an immoral thing.

Secondly people who suffer often aren't to blame . For example


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