Christian Practices

  • Created by: lx1234
  • Created on: 16-02-18 15:52

Christian Practices:

How do Christians worship?

Litgurgical Worhsip;

A patterened worship by a christian denomination on a regular basis. The ritual repeated would have been passed down through generations, giving a sense of tradition, the people will recieve forgiveness from God through the actions of the priest. There is a worldwide set order of service that is familiar, even to visitors. Faith is expressed in a variety of ways, holy communion, for example, may be celebrated in different ways. 

Non Liturgical Worship;

The worship is unscripted or improvised, not following a strict set or service. The service may have an emotional impact, with a feeling of personal revelation from God. People can take active part in church by praying aloud or speaking without formal training, the people will recieve the living presence of Jesus in the Holy Communion. Christians share personal interpretations of the Bible. Often readings follow the Christian calender. The style of worship follows that of some early Christians who met to hear about Jesus in the joy of the Spirit after Pentecost. Bible readings follow the Christian calender and teach Christian history and faith across the Old and New testament and Pauls letters.

Informal Worship;

  • Spontaneous prayers or sharing of thoughts.
  • Charasmatic worship.
  • Speak in tongues
  • Seen as the gift of the holy spirit.
  • Pentecostalism.
  • Evangelical churches.
  • State of ecstacy.

Private Worship

Individual worship, Involve prayer, meditation, studying a passage from the bible using aids to worship.

Why do Christians pray?

  • Forgiveness
  • Health
  • Redemption
  • Happiness
  • To say thankyou
  • Confession
  • Pray for others or for yourself
  • Prayer is communication with God, either in silence or aloud, with others or alone, formal or informal prayer. 
  • A set prayer before a meal is called Grace
  • Christians believe it is about listening, being open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and doing what God wants them to do.
  • People pray in a humble position, kneeling down, hands pressed together, in Orthodox churches people stand to pray.

The Seven Sacraments

  • Baptism: Water and Trinitarian formula, recieving the Holy Spirit, removal of original sin, entry into the kingdom of heaven.
  • Euchrist: Bread and Wine, spiritual feeding with the body and the blood of Jesus.
  • Confirmation: Laying of hands by the bishop, becoming an adult member of the church.
  • Reconsulition: Words of absolution the forgivness of sin.
  • Anointing of the Side: Anointing and the laying of hands, spiritual and sometimes physical healing preparation for death.
  • Holy Orders: Laying of hands by the bisohop, special gifts of the holy spirit needed by a deacon or priest.

Sacraments involve symbolic actions, words and physical elements such as water in baptism and bread and wine in holy communion (Euchrist). Christians believe that through sacraments, God impacts particular gifts and powers, and these help to strengthen their relationship with God by making him a part of their life. They are important to the christian community, because they affirm that christians are part of the body of christ, the church, with all its responsibilities. 

Believers Baptism

Rites vary


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