childrens play learning and development 2016 specs unit 1 milestones




Fine motor

Gross motor

0-3 months

·        Reflexes – sucking, rooting

·        startle

3 months

·        watches hands and plays with fingers

·        clasps and unclasps hands

·        can hold a rattle for a moment

·        lifts head and chest up

·        waves arms and brings hands together over body

6 months

·        can reach for a toy

·        can move a toy from one hand to another

·        puts objects into mouth

·        moves arms to indicate that they want to be lifted

·        can roll over from back to front

9 months

·        can grasp and object with index finger and thumb

·        can deliberately release objects by dropping them

·        can sit unsupported

·        is likely to be mobile – crawling/rolling


12 months

·        uses index finger and thumb to pick up small objects

·        can point to things with index finger

·        may stand alone briefly

·        may walk holding onto furniture(cruising)

·        some may walk unaided

15 months

·        can make precise movements with pincer grasp to pick up crumbs or small objects

·        grasps crayons with palmer grip

·        may be walking with hesitation

·        may fall and also bump into furniture

·        crawls upstairs

18 months

·        can use a spoon to feed with

·        can scribble

·        can build a tower of three bricks

·        uses palmer grasp to hold crayons and other long handled objects

·        can walk unaided

·        can walk upstairs with help (two feet to a step)

·        is restless

·        can climb up onto toy

·        can squat to pick up a toy

2 years

·        can draw circles and dots

·        can use a spoon effectively to feed with

·        can put on shoes (may be on wrong feet)

·        can run

·        climbs onto furniture

·        can use sit and ride toys

2 ½ years

·        has a hand preference

·        can do simple jigsaw puzzles

·        can pour sand and water into cups

·        is starting to develop a tripod grasp

·        can pull down items of clothing such as trousers

·        runs quickly and confidently

·        can kick a large ball

·        may begin to use a tricycle

·        walks upstairs confidently, but may still use two feet to each step

·        can jump with two feet together off a low step

3 years

·        washes and dries hands with help

·        holds a crayon and can draw a circle

·        has established hand preference for most tasks

·        tripod grasp is developing, using two fingers and thumb





Most common sleep disorders

People around the world suffer from sleep disorders in one form or another. Most of these disorders are caused by something going on in the person’s life, such as stress, anxiety, or a diagnosed mental disorder. However, some sleep disorders are simply due to bad sleeping habits. In this blog post, we will get to know more about what are the most common sleep disorders and how to deal with them! Website HERE