Childhood: Status of Children



- Status of children over time has changed and this change has been accelerated in the past 50 years.

- Aries (1973) looked at historical changes in childhood from medieval times to the late modern era, from mini-adults to childhood as a separate stage of life.

- The status of children differs based on social class, ethnicity, gender and cultures.

What is the Current Status of Children?

- Society is seen as being child-centred, with childrens' needs being placed above those of adults.

- Some sociologists argue there is excessive control over childrens' lives, whilst others argue that childhood is disappearing in contemporary society.

- Part of a contemporary debate into the experiences of contemporary childhood- children are growing up too fast or being part of the 'clipped wing' generation.

Why has Childhood Changed?

- Compulsory and Higher Education.

- Advances in technology.

- Changing attitudes to relationships.

- Media saturation and the role of capitalism.

Compulsory and Higher Education

- Extension of compulsory education to 18 in…


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