
  • Created by: riri33
  • Created on: 14-05-19 12:44


What is it?

The age time span ranging from birth to adolescence= the time or state of being a child, the early stage in existence or devlopment of something.

Western defintion of childhood:

A 'Golden Age' of lesuire, play, happiness and nurturing. In Britian, it is seen as a privileged time. The Western ideals see childhood as sepearte from adulthood. In need of protection, laws are provided to protect them. Create a raget market for businesses, there are speaclised activities and organisations for childrem =n such as chldrens toys, play areas, theme parks, etc...

Arugments for a child-centred family or society:

Smaller family sizes and lower infant mortality rate- parents are able to focus on their children than that of the past. 

Shorter working week- The govermnment reniforces the priorties of children even in employment. Parents able to spend more time with their children, they work around their kids.

Higher living standards- More affluence means more can be spent on children. 

Welfare state support for children- It reinforces the idea that children are vunerable and are in need of protection. The services provide social services which take children away from their families if they are being neglected and starved of general child care.

Paediatrics- Specalised to look after children, reinforces an idea that there is a clear distinction between children and adults. 

Complusory education- It ultimately makes the children dependent on their families for longer, overall reinforcing a distiniction between what is called adulthood, parents are expected to take full responsibility of their children Pasrents may even pay for their child education such as tution fees.

Parental fears- Overall makes children dependent and further emphasises that children are vunerable. 

Children consumer market- Businesses and companies are designed specifically for children. Margo suggests that children are taking a greater control over family spending decisions.

Laws banning child labour- Prohibits work exploiation of chilren. Asserting further their vunerability. 

Laws about social behaviour- Controlling what children can and cant do futher increasing the gap between childhood and adulthood, like smoking and rivign a car which are seen as adult things.

Limitation to child-centred families: It doesn't mean that the children are equal to their parents. Sometimes the parent would control the child; what they can and cant do, how to dress etc...

Childhood as a social construction--- The defintion is established by the social structure, such evidence from the differing status, responsbility and treatement in different contemporary cultures; the nature of childhood and their status and responsibilty through history; and the differences between childrens statuses and responsbility within the same society. An example of childhood being different within a…


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