Child Development


Section 1: Planning a family

Types of Family

- Nuclear Family: mum & dad living with their children

- Extended Family: have more relatives living nearby/around in everyday life

- Single sex families: two male/female parents

- One-parent families: have one parent and child(ren)

- Reconstituted families: have step-parents and step-children

Family Responsibilities

Material needs:

- A clean home with warmth and shelter

- The right clothes for the weather

- Food, drink, toys, books and health care

Emotional needs:

- A stable family environment

- Love and encouragement

- Praise and discipline

Families need to teach:

- Good behaviour

- Social skills and communication skills

- Pre-reading skills and intellectual skills

Family roles:

Traditionally Dad went to work, Mum stayed at home - parents now tend to share work and caring responsibilities, roles are now split. Some Dad's stay at home whilst Mum works (role reversal).

Family Structures:

1. More divorces in last 50 years, divorces are easier.

2. 50 years ago there was shame in having a baby without being married.

3. Not as much contraception available 50 years ago. 

4. Fewer people are getting married now (weddings are more expensive)

5. More women are choosing a career before having children.

Deciding when to have a baby

Responsibilities of being a parent:

1. Need to meet all the child's needs

2. Know whether you can cope (lack of sleep, stress)

3. Long term responsibility, maturity.

Lifestyle and how you want to live:

1. Money, having children and caring for them is expensive

2. Whether you can stay at home, go to work, child care.



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