Child Language Acquisition Theories


Child Language Acquisition Theories

1. Nature vs. Nurture

Skinner - Operant Conditioning

  • Language is learnt through imitation (like other skills such as walking, tying laces etc.)
  • Reinforcement through rewards from parental figures (praise, an item they asked for, etc.)


  • Imitation has a key role in the development of many skills.


  • There are clear language development stages in every child.
  • All children have an innate understanding of basic grammar rules.
  • There is an infinite number of sentences so children cannot learn them all.


  • Children have an innate understanding of grammar
  • Language Acquisition Device (LAD)


  • Children will under/overextend (add suffixes like "-ed" when it is not needed, e.g. "wented").
  • Language Acquisition happens at an impressive speed and would not be learned from nurture so quickly.
  • Children don't replicate all of their parents' grammatical errors.


  • Interaction has a key role in the development of language, as seen in the Bard and Sachs Study where a child with two


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