chemistry paper 2 revision notes- 9-1


Topic C6- the rate and extent of chemical changes

rates of reaction

- the rate of a reaction is how fast the reactants are changed into products can be mesured in moles

factors effecting rates of reaction

  • temperature
  • concentration of a solution
  • surface area
  • whether a catalysts is used

plotting reaction rates

gradient= differences in the amount of product divide by time

- the steeper the line, the faster the reaction

- same amount of product formed from the same amount of reactant regardless of rate

-mean rate of reaction= amount of reactant used OR product formed divide time taken

collison theory

-says that a reaction will only take place when particles collide, they particles must also have a certain amount of energy when they collide, otherwise they won't react

Topic C7- organic chemistry


-hydrocarbons are compounds formed from carbon and hydrogen atoms only

Crude oil

-crude oil is found in rocks and is considered a non renewable rescources

- crude oil provides fuel for transport such as cars, trains, planes

fractional distillation

-crude oil can be seperated using fractional distillation

-the shorter hydrocarbons have lower boiling points,they don't condense and turn back into liquids until they move near the top of the column

- the longer hydrocarbons have high melting points, as they move up the fractionating column it get's cooler

Topic C8-chemical anaylsis

pure and impure substances

-pure substances: melt and solidify at 1 temperature called melting point. They also boil and condense at 1 temperature called boiling point

-impure substanaces: they do not melt or boil at 1 temperature, they change state over a range of temperature


-Rr = distance moved by substance  divided by distance moved by solvent


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