Chemical equations and formulae


Atoms - The smallest part of an element that can exist. The average size of it is normally 0.1nm.

  • Contains 3 subatomic particles :
    • Proton - Has a relative charge of +1 and a relative mass of 1. The number of protons in each atom are unique to each element (They are not lost or recieved during any chemical changes).
    • Neutron - Has a relative charge of 0 and a relative mass of 1. The number of neutrons in the atom of the same element can differ.
    • Electron - Has a relative charge of -1 and a relative mass of 1/1836. They can be lost or taken in by the atom in a chemical reaction but initially, the number of electrons = number of neutrons.
  • The nucleus holds the protons and electrons of an atom and all the mass is concentrated in the nucleus.
  • Below, you can see the structure of an atom :

Image result for atomic structure

Element - A substance made of only one type of atom.

  • An atom of a particular element is defined by the number of protons it contains.
  • There are about 100 different elements as listed in the periodic table.
  • Each element is represented by a symbol such as Na = Sodium, O = Oxygen
  • Each element is also given a nuclear symbol. You can…


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