chartism + trade societies


chartism and trade societies

- attempts by government to control organisation of labour through unionisation and options open to trade societies to help members had been in place since combination acts of 1799 and 1800

- when legal punishment for striking / using collective bargaining to better working conditons were reintroduced 1825, after just one year of ore lenient gov, trade societies / unions struggling to meet members demands

- late 30s rise of chartism provided outlet for workers who saw org that could affect political change in areas where own trade societies were struggling


- goals many workers societies and unions in chartists still aimed at improving economic position of working class

- when chartist convention of 1839 sent out questionairre to local associates supporting chartism, 21 of 23 that responded didn't have general grievance over lack of vote

- more concerned w/ hardship caused by lack work / low pay / expensive food

- clearly large numbers that supported chartist…


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