Characteristics Phobias, Depression and OCD

  • Created by: Georgia56
  • Created on: 20-05-17 11:13



Panic- screaming, crying, yelling  or runnig away Children tend to respond diffierently to stimulis- often having trantum or remaining quiet- freezing and clinging

AVOIDANCE- Avoid the phobic stimulis when possible. E.g. someone the social phobia is likely to avoid speaking to other or going out in public because they fear what people think of them. fear of public toilets- not spend much time outside of the house- limit social life and impact on their work and education.

ENDURANCE- in unavoidable situations some with a phobia may have to cope with their phobic stimulis. For instance, when someone goes on a plane, there is no choice in avoiding or escaping the situation. So throughout the situaiton they remain anxious and unable to relax.


Exreme anxiety and fear- Anxiety- unpleasant state of high arousal where by it is hard to relax and be comforatable, or think positively/ have positive emotions. Fear- immediate response to a phobic stimulis that is really unpleasant when encounter or think about phobic stimulis. For instance arachnophobic (fears spiders) is likely to begin shaking, crying, running away when presented with a spider. This response is irrational which is another emotional characteristic. They respond unreasonabily to the threat that is proposed on them, e.g. the spider is not going to cause them any serve harm yet their emotional response is really intense and irrational considering they are not put at huge amount of harm. 


Cognitive distortions- people will often see their phobic stimulus differently to others. e..g arachnorphobic may see spider bigger and eviler that an someone without the phobia. Same as someone fears snake is more likely to see them as evil and dangerous, even alien like, or someone who fears belly buttons are likely to see them as ugully and they may become disguested at them. 

Selective attention- focus on the phobic stimulus and find it hard to consentrate on anything else. For instance someone who fear beards by not be able to focus if a man with a beard is in the room.

Irrational beliefs- socail phobia- 'i must not


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