Character of James I

  • Created by: em
  • Created on: 17-04-14 17:58

The Character of James

  • Deprived of both his parents Mary Queen of Scots (arrested in England and executed in 1587) and Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley (his mother was probably an accomplice to the murder of his father in 1567)

  • He would crave affection in his adult life – had relationships with a series of young men e.g. Duke of Lennox 1580s

  • James became King of Scotland in July 1567 aged 13 months – had no one on whom to model himself as a king

  • As a child king he became subjected to plots and kidnaps by nobles seeking power and influence and also the Gunpowder Plot

    • So James was wary of assassinations e.g. Henry VI of France in 1610 confirmed the vulnerability of Kings and wore a rapier-proof padded jacket

    • Might have been mistaken as


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