Character Analysis for Romeo and Juliet


Character Analysis for Romeo and Juliet

Romeo Montague

Romeo is presented as a headstrong character when he and Tyblalt Capulet fight. " either thou or i, or both, must go with him." this shows Romeo is prepared to die to avenge his best friend (Mercutios) death. The quote also shows how headstrong Romeo is, but also how much he values friendship.

Romeo is presented a passionate when he friest lays eye on Juliet at the Capulet party. "hence forth i will never be Romeo." romeo tells Juliet will not be a Montague if it displeases her. Romeo is also prepared to break away from his family and christian name to be with her. Montagues are wealthy and would be a great dishounor, this shows how serious he is.

Shakespeare presents Romeo as changeable when he is at the Capulet party. " i have forgot that name and that name's woe." This shows Romeo tends to change his mind often. he has opening said he has "forgotten" his love for Rosaline. He also isnt saying her name shows his emotions have changed toward her. she is just a name to him now.

Juliet Capulet

Juliet is shown to be a passionate character when she falls in love with Romeo Montague. "I gave thee mine beofre thou didst request it." Romeo request that juliet declared her love for him, but Juliet has already done so. this shows how loving and passionate she is, Juliet has given her love and heart to Romeo.

Shakepear presents juliet as headstrong when Lord Capulet tells her she is marring Paris. "he shall not make me there a joyfull bride!" the use of exclamation mark heightens Juliets emotions as she is shouting her refusal. this shows how headsrtong Juliet is. She refuses her parents and declares she will not get married to Paris.

Juliet is shown as decisive when she and the Friair plan her fake death. "love give me strength and strength will help afford." This shows how calm Juliet is whem she makes the decision to fake her death. She declares that Romeo's love gives her strength, this fuels her decision and therefore he decisive nature. 

Lord Capulet

Lord Capulet is shown to be a powerful character when Tybalt tell him that romeo is there and he wishes to fight him. "content thee, gentle coz, let him is my will." This show capulet has power over the firey Tybalt. Further on in the speech Capulet gets angry when Tybalt questions him, this shows Capulet's power as he is in charge: he is the head of the capulet household. 

Shakespeare presents Lord Capulet as stubborn when his daugther-Juliet- refuses to marry Paris. "i tell thee what:get thee to church a' Thuresday or never after look me in the face!" The use of


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