chapter 7 - incident at the window - chapter 8 - the last night


Jekyll's secret is nearly revealed 

  • Jekyll talks to Utterson and Endfields from the window of his laboratory
  • As thye talk a loom of "abject terror and despair" comes across Jekyll's face a sign that he is going to transform into Hyde
  • Utterson and Enflied don't know the truth about Jekyll and Hyde at this point but their reation shows that they feel they've witnessed something strane and inexplicable 

writters technique - gothic novel ~ this hints at the dark of possibly supernatural forces that are acting on Jekyll. supernatural or unexplained events are an important feature of the Gothic novel. 

poole is clearly concerened about Jekyll 

  • Utterson gets a surprise visit from poole, who's worried about Jekyll's irrational behaviour
  • Poole avoids Uttersons questions 
  • Utterson tells him to "be explict" but Poole won't say what's happened
  • Poole openly amits that he is afarid by admitting his emostions, he makes Utterson realise how serious the situation is  
  • Poole fear makes Utterson feel "frightened", which then "irritated" him as he's a rational person who's more comfortable dealing with facts than emotions

The terrified servants increase the suspense

  • When Utterson and Poole arrive at Jekyll's house one of the maids is "hysterical" with fear
  • Utterson thinks this behaviour is "very irregular, very unseemly" and he's still concerned with


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