Chapter 16 - Reproduction in plants

  • Created by: E456
  • Created on: 27-03-17 12:21


  • In asexual reproduction, some of the parent organism's cells divide by mitosis. 
  • Potatoes reproduce using stem tubers. 
  • Sucrose is transported from the leaves into these underground stem tubers, where it is converted into starch and stored. 


  • A cell which has the full numer of chromosomes, with two complete sets, is called a diploid cell. 
  • An egg or sperm only has 23 chromosomes - a single set. It is called a haploid cell. Gametes are always haploid. 
  • When two gametes fuse together, they form a diploid zygote. 
  • When gametes are being made, cells divide by meiosis. 
  • Meiosis produces new cells with only half as many chromosomes as the parent cell. 
  • In flowering plants, the female gamete is a nucleus inside the ovule
  • In flowering plants, the male gamete is found inside the pollen grain


  • The function of the flower is to make gametes and to ensure that fertilisation will take place. 
  • Most, but not all, flowers are hermaphrodites (makes both male and female gametes).
  • Inside the petals are the stamens (male parts of the flower). 
  • The anthers contain pollen grains, which contain the male gametes. 
  • The female part of the flower is in the centre. It consists of one or more carpels. A carpel contains an ovary. Inside the ovary are…


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