Chapeter C1 Atomic structure


C1.1 - Atoms 

  • All substances are made of atoms 
  • about 100 different elements which all substances are made
  • The periodic table lists all the chemical elements that have got 8 main groups each containing elements that have similar properties 
  • Elements are made of only one type of atom 
  • compounds contain more than one element. 
  • An atom has a tiny nucleus  at its centre, this is surrounded by electrons. 
  • Atoms are represented by chemical symbols. For example Na for sodium annd O for oxygen 

What type of substances are shown in the periodic table? 

-What type of substance is sodium chloride,NaCI? 

C1.2 - Chemical equations 

  • No new atoms are ever created or destroyed  in a chemical reaction: the total mass of reactants= the total mass of products. 
  • There is the same number of each type of atom on each side of a balanced symbol equation. 
  • You can include state symbols to give extra information in balanced symbol equations. The symbols are (s) for solids, (l) for liquids, (g) for gases, and (aq) for aqueous solutions ( is a solution in which the solvent is water.)

- Write a word equationfor the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce water 

- Balance this equation : H2 + Br to HBr

- H2 is a gas. Which state symbol would you use to show a gas? 

- Which law states that the mass of the products formed in reaction is equal to the mass of the reactants? 

C1.3 - Seperating mixtures 

  • A mixture is made up of 2 or more substances that are not chemically combiined together.
  • Mixtures can be separted by physical means, such as filteratio, crystallisation, and simple distillation. 

Name 3 methods of separating mixtures. 

- Which method would you use to separate sand from a


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