Cell Structure


There are two types of cell. Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic. Both types of the cell contain organelles. Eukaryotic cells derived from prokaryotic cells and were far more complex than prokaryotic cells.

Organelles are parts of a cell that have a certain function. Here they are:

Mitochondria are rod-shaped bodies in the cytoplasm that supply chemical energy to the rest of the cell. They also help the cell to respire.

- Cytoplasm is everything in the cell outside the nucleus. It is a viscous fluid containing proteins, membranes and organisms.

- The Golgi apparatus is basically the post office of the cell. it decides where organelles need to be. also changes organelles considering what the cell actually needs by adding or removing things for a new function.

- centrioles are a group of microtubules that help the cell to divide. they are usually found in pairs and move towards the poles of the cell when it is time to divide. during division, the microtubules attach themselves to the chromosomes and pull them to the poles as well. those threads that do this are called mitotic spindles.

- microfilaments help the muscle to contract and are responsible for cell movement. they are part of the cytoskeleton.

- microtubules are small tubular assemblies of proteins and help to stable the cells structure. they also move organelles and cytoplasm using molecular motors. they too are part of the cytoskeleton.

- lysosomes are membrane bound organelles because…


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