Cell membrane



  • Outer layer of cell 
  • Seperates intracellular substances from ectracellular substances 
  • Encloses and supports cell contents 
  • Attaches cell to extracellular enviroment or other cells 
  • Cell's ability to recognize and communicate with each other takes place through plasma membrane
  • Determines what moves in and out of cell
  • Intracellular conents of cells are diffrent from extracellular environments 
  • Electrical charge diffrences across the plasma membrane called the membrane potential (result of cells regulations of ion movement into and out of the cell)
  • More positively charged ions on the outside of the plasma membrane and more negitavily charged ions and proteins inside, plasma membrane is positively charged 
  • Lipids = 45-50% of weight of plasma
  • Proteins = 45-50% of the weight 
  • Carbonhydrates make up a small percentage of plasma membrane 
  • Found only on the outer surface of the plasma membrane 
  • Carbonhydrates combine with lipids to form glycolipids and with proteins to form glycoproteins 
  • Glycocalyx collection of glycolipids, glycoproteins and carbonhydrates on the outer surface of plasma membrane 
  • Glycocalyx contains molecules absorbed from the extracellular environment 
  • No precise oundary between the plasma membrane and the extracellular environment 


  • Two predominant lipids of the plasma membrane are phospholipds and cholestrol 
  • Phospholipds assemble to form a lipid bilayer, a double layer of phospholipid molecule (polar head and a nonpolar tail 
  • Polar head is attached to water (hydrophilic) exposed to aqueous extracellular and intracellular fluids of cell 
  • Tails of the phospholipds are non polar and are not attracted to water molecules, tails are called hydrophobic 
  • Nonpolar, hydrophobic tails face one another in the inferior plasma membrane 
  • Plasma membrane is highly flexible and can change shape and composition 
  • Lipid bilayer functions as a dense liquid in which other moelcules, such as proteins are suspended. 
  • FProvides an important means of distributing molecules within the plasma membrane 
  • Slight damage to the membrane can be repaired because the phospjolipds tend to reassemble around damaged sites and close them
  • Fluid nature of lipid bilayer also enables membranes to fuse with eachother 
  • Cholestrole is a lipid 
  • Interspersed among the phospholipids and accounts for one third of the total lipids in plasma membrane 
  • Hydrophilic hydroxyl group of cholestrol extends between the phospholipd heaads to the hydrophilic surface of the membrane 
  • Amount of cholestrole found is a major factor in determing the fluid nature of the membrane 
  • Cholestrol, is that it limits the movement of phospholipids, provides stability to plasma membrane 

Membrane proteins 

  • Integral membrane proteins penetrate deeply into the lipid bilayer
  • Peripheral membrane proteins are attached to either the inner or outer surface of the lipid bilayer
  • Intergral membrane protein consists of regions made up of amino acids with hydrophobic R groups
  • Membrane proteins function as marker molecules, attachment proteins, transport proteins, receptor proteins and enzymes. 

marker molecules 

  • Allow cells to identify other cells or molecules (glyocoproteins)

Attachment proteins 

  • Integral proteins that allow cells to attach tio other cells or to extracellular molecules 
  • Cadherins are proteins that attach to other cells 
  • Integrins are proteins that attach to extracellular molecules 

Transport proteins 

  • Intergral proteins that allow ions…


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