CCEA GCSE Music - Sweet Dreams



Melody: Uses a small number of pitches within the Aeolian mode transposed to C. Contains a

falling and rising minor third (Eb-C-Eb), some scalic movement and syncopated rhythm.

Harmony: A limited range of major and minor triads within the key of C minor. A pair of alternating

chords – C minor/F7 – is used in the “middle eight” section (1.43).

Tonality: C minor

Time signature: 4/4

Riff: The repetition of a rhythmic or melodic idea – the two-bar phrase on which the majority

of the song is based, for example.

Middle eight: A contrasting eight-bar section (or bridge).

Fill: A solo (often on drum kit) which is generally improvised and may occur at the end of a


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