CB5 Health, disease and the development of medicines-SPECIFICATION


5.1 Describe health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO)

5.2 Describe the difference between communicable and  non-communicable diseases

5.3 Explain why the presence of one disease can lead to a higher susceptibility to other diseases

5.4 Describe a pathogen as a disease-causing organism, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and protists

5.5 Describe some common infections, including:

 a cholera (bacteria) causes diarrhoea

b tuberculosis (bacteria) causes lung damage

 c Chalara ash dieback (fungi) causes leaf loss and bark lesions

d malaria (protists) causes damage to blood and liver

e HIV (virus) destroys white blood cells, leading to the onset of AIDS

5.6 Explain how pathogens are spread and how this spread can be reduced or prevented, including:

 a cholera (bacteria) – water

b tuberculosis (bacteria…


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