moral panic and the media does it lead to crime ??? pt 1


can the media cause epople to turn to crime?

moral panic it was shown that the media creates moral panic by exaggerating crimes and deviant images this means that some issues may not be a problem but to increase the news value of their stories, they may amplify the message therefor leading to moral panic. for example the artical that i am going to be talking about from a sun newspaper creates moral panic fromk an issue that isnt a problem and hasnt happenedyet.

when raeding this article i discovered that actaully it was quite rascist as ir reffered to a town as " a brown town" as it had people of colour in the town who they beleived where the main cause of the probem whereas the pictures shown actually shows all young white males reading this media source could colour somones opinion of somonelse as the article also says things like the quote below this is thew first thing you see when you open the news artical


Evil inner-city gangs targeting innocent children and teens to swamp small towns with drugs

Violent drug gangs from major cities are using organised networks known as 'county lines' for child couriers to deliver


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