C2- structure and properties


giant ionic structures

  • a ionic structure where there are many strong electrostatic forces
  • they are solids at room temp because of the forces
  • a lot of energy is needed to break the bonds
  • high MP and BP
  • when ionic compoud has bbeen metled the delocalised electrons are free to move and carry charge so the liquids can conduct electricity

simple molecules (covalent)

  • simple molecules have very little attraction for eachother because the bonds only act between atoms within the molecule
  • substances made of simple molecules have low MP and BP 
  • they do not conduct electricity because no free electrons and have no overall charge so cannot carry electricity
  • forces between molecules are called weak intermolecular forces

giant covalent structures

  • atoms of some element can form several covalent bonds
  • these atoms can join and form giant covalent structures (macromolecules)
  • the bonds need huge amounts of energy to break down the lattice so have high MP
  • in a diamond every carbon atom is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms making the structure har and transparent
  • in graphite carbon is covanlently bonded to three other carbon atoms so the structure has layers with weak bonds between them so they can slide- one electron in this bond is delecolised allowing graphite…


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