C1.2 Limestone and Building Materials

  • Created by: Fiona S
  • Created on: 07-06-15 21:34

Thermal Decomposition

A decomposition reaction is one in which a compound breaks down into simpler compounds or elements.

Thermal means by heating it.

No atoms are lost or made when a thermal decompostion reaction takes place. The mass of the products, if they can be trapped, is the same as the mass of the reactants.

Limestone Cycle

1. Limestone is a natural rock made mainly of calcium carbonate

Calcium Carbonate -heat strongly-> Calcium Oxide + Carbon Dioxide

CaCO3(s) --> CaO + CO2

2. Calcium Oxide + Water -slaking(add water)-> Calcium Hydroxide

CaO(s) + H2O(l) --> Ca(OH)2(s)

3. Calcium Hydroxide + more water -shake with water and filter, use solution-> Calcium…


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