C) Issues relating to the rejection of religion


Rejection of belief in deities

  • 2 key movements in the 18th century that made an impact on challenging belief in God
  • 1. Age of enlightenment- encouraged individuals to think for themselves
  • 2. French revolution of 1789- mobilised intellectuals who saw the Church as an outmoded institution
  • By this point, atheism had taken on the meaning of denial in the existence of God or the disregard of God when living one's life
  • During the 20th century, increased travel meant people were becoming aware of other religions and many felt there were too many contradictions between them to sustain belief
  • It was argued that which religion you follow depends on where you were born and has little to do with truth

The differences between agnosticism and atheism

  • Agnosticism is based on the concept that we have no knowledge if God exists or not, so we cannot make a decision 
  • Various shades of atheism; Flew introduced 'weak' and 'strong' atheism in his book 'The presumptions of atheism'
  • Weak atheism: atheist does not make the positive claim that God does not exist. 
  • Strong atheism: atheist asserts that he knows God does not exist
  • New atheism: the belief that religion is a threat to the survival of the human race

The rise of new atheism (antitheism)

  • 9/11 saw a powerful attack…


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