C) Hindu liberationist thinking as defending the poor & oppressed


The importance of the 4 purusharthas

  • 'Purushartha'- objectives of man. 4 chief objectives:- moksha, artha, kama, dharma
  • Man ought to seek dharma and moksha, while he is naturally inclined to seek artha and kama
  • Dharma precedes kama and artha, while artha precedes kama
  • Ashramas are roughly 21 years each
  • Moksha: freedom/ liberation. Ultimate goal of Hindu religious life. Only attainable by individual themself. Final release from illusion, knowledge of Brahman leads to moksha.
  • Artha: wealth. One of the basic human dignities- to have enough assets to live on/ care for family. Important that 'worldly success' does not violate dharma/ moksha
  • Kama: pleasure. The enjoyment of the appropriate objects by the 5 senses assisted by the mind and soul. Excessive kama can lead to overindulgence/ addiction/ greed/ lust etc/ The right kinds of pleasure can lead towards your dharma.
  • Dharma: Truth/purpose. Path of righteousness. Without dharma, artha and kama become self-destructive. Dharma brings stability and order. Upholds entire creation (first cardinal aim)

Hindu attitudes to wealth and poverty

  • Purusharthas can be put into pratice in daily lives to relieve the suffering of the poor and oppressed
  • Hindu…


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