C) Contributions to Hinduism by Ramakrishna



  • Raised in a Vaishnavite family- became a temple priest
  • Pursued a type of bhakti, where he became infatuated with Kali as the divine mother
  • So transformed by his spiritual experiences that instead of being a conventional husband, he worhsipped his wife as an incarnation of Kali, and she served him in the temple

The influence of mystical experiences on his thought

  • Mysticism is the search for contact with the divine (e.g. through intense meditation, fasting)
  • Ramakrishna was a mystic- dedicated his life to achieving unity with the divine
  • His closeness to the goddess Kali soon reached a stage where he was aware of the divine nature permeating the physical
  • An advaita guru, Tota Puri, helped Ramakrishna go beyond the dualistic mysticism that he had so far experienced to an experience of pure monism (no difference between observer/ observed)
  • Ramakrishna regularly reached the state of samadhi- a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation

Development of Advaita

  • Ramakrishna believed in the essential unity of man and God. He believed in one eternal and undivided being (who was perfect knowledge and bliss)
  • He explained God could be both impersonal and personal, both saguna…


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