BY4.2 Aerobic Respiration


Respiration is a series of anzyme catalysed reactions that releases energy from organic molecules (e.g. glucose) in order to synthesise ATP


  • takes place in the cytoplasm
  • no oxygen is needed
  • glucose enters the cell
  • hexokinase transfers one phospahte group from 2 ATP molecules to glucose
    • glucose can't leave the cell as the membrane is impermeable to ions
  • hexose splits into 2 triose sugars
  • each riose phosphate is dehyrodegenated in otder to reduce NAD into NADH
  • each gives out enough energy to from 2 ATP molecules through substrate level phosphorylation
  • 2 pryruvate molecules are formed
  • there is a net gain of 2 ATP molecules

Link Reaction:

  • pyruvate diffuses into the mitochondrial matrix
  • each pyruvate molecule is decarboxylated and dehydrogenated to produce NADH and CO2
  • coenzyme A and acetate join to form acetyl coenzyme A



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