Business Notes - Company Names

  • Created by: jutnut
  • Created on: 22-08-18 13:20

Company Names:

Every company must have a name, and there are restrictions to this:

s. 59 - Private companies must end in LTD
S.58 - Public companies must end in PLC

Main sections: S.53-55 and 1197

Cannot have a name which suggests a connection with the government, administration or public authority. - Prior approval sec of state

Sensitive words or expressions - prior approval from sec of state = Details in The Company, Limited Liability, Partnership and Business Names (Sensitive Words and Expressions) Regs 2014 

No Offensive Names! - Criminal offence 

s.66 - names which are too similar to another company - governed by The Company, Limited Liability, Partnership and Business (Names and Trading Disclosures) Regs 2015

Advice= companies house webcheck 


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