
  • Created by: Layla28
  • Created on: 12-11-21 18:47


DHAMMA- If you want to get good Karma, so your dhamma. It's the idea of duty. YOU SHOULD DO IT! It refers to the teachings of the Buddha. There is a book-Dhammapada

KARMA- The belief that there is a balance to the universe and your actions, words will have an effect on this balance



Buddha illustrates this with the story of Kisa Gotami. This is the story of a woman who wanted her child to live, yet Buddha said no because nothing stays the same and bad things DO happen. This belief influences Buddhists today because they would realize that even death is not permanent. It's a constant wheel of change. It might help to accept this when someone dies, everyone goes through it, it might help people appreciate things WHEN YOU HAVE THEM.

ANATTA-(no fixed self)

This is the Buddhist belief that there is no such thing as a self-we're made up of many many different qualities BUT THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS A SELF! This is understood by the analogy of a Chariot, it's made up of lots of things(different parts), but there is no single thing that is s a chariot. This belief influences Buddhists today because it makes them less concerned about their own needs


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